Thursday, January 22, 2009

Time flies...

The last post I made on this blog was around more than a year ago. Sheesh! That's how time flies... I was so engrossed in my academics and work life that I never bothered looking back. However, I am back and I plan to stay along for a while at least. :)

Meanwhile, check out my new entrepreneurship blog on Entrepreneurship Adventures

So, what did I do over the last one year. I passed the CFA Level I exam. I enrolled in the MBA finally at the IBA taking varying level of course loads every semester. I also passed CFA Level II exam. I switched my job (one exciting time :P). I prepared to move on with two new entrepreneurial projects in the making. I am also preparing for CFA Level III exam this coming June '09.

Phew...! Now you can understand why I couldn't post regularly; but now I intend to continue posting regardless of the work pressures, time deadlines, and other idiosyncracies of life!

So, see you pals!

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