Monday, January 26, 2009

... and the weekend ends again

I normally start to think about the activities I have to do over the weekend from Thursday evening already, but it so usually happens that the weekend comes with its own set of activities and one ends up struggling to find time out for planned, ambitious, may be not-so-important yet dear-to-the-heart kind of activities. Coming out of those routine chores is difficult, and I guess my time management skills often lend a hand.

But the weekend ends again (sigh). I start my Monday fresh as an Orange and by mid-day I have already accomplished much for today. Sometimes, the productivity levels get such huge jumps, at least for me.

I thought to take a small break, and so I write this. I am getting a bit worried about my CFA preparation by every passing day. I guess I would have to start putting up long after hours and 'nighters' to get the thing moving. Let's see when I can recompose myself to commit myself to work and study even after dark.

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