Sunday, December 9, 2007

Finance Vs. Marketing

I fail to comprehend people putting others into a separate breed and classifying themselves as a different kind altogether just because he is a marketing major or since he is a finance major. I mean, c'mon, it was just these four elective courses different between you and him and what about the other 43 courses you took together?

People tend to notice differences, but very few focus similarities! You know this goes beyond the business school and into the corporate world as well. People make themselves classified as a certain category and like to intermingle within those categories only, strange no?

All this reminds me of the concept of "Tunnel Vision" we learnt in the course on Methods in Business Research. Thinking beyond the ordinary small differences and in fact capitalizing on each other's differences would I believe bring in the integrated face of the successful business and team-based approach that most successful companies boast about so much. Wonder why we make such simple things difficult by involving our egos for no reason...

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