Friday, January 30, 2009


... I counted the statistic. 17 people I know took their Level I exam in Dec '08. Surprisingly 11 of them passed. 64.7% that is as against the global pass rate of 35% for the Dec '08 sitting. I am happy for those who cleared. I am sad for those who couldn't make it through. I am excited. I am sad.

Anyways, beyond the results, life has been pretty usual. Not a great deal of adventures that I would say I have made thus far; but overall, it's been easy in the last couple of days. Today's the Blood drive at my company; so I'm going to leave in a while for a while to do that.

Let's see what the next week unfolds.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

friends' results...

Today is the D-day for many of my friends who took or re-took their level I cfa exam in Dec '08. It's 7pm our time. Man, this time is so difficult to pass, ask me! You can almost feel butterflies in your stomach all the time. There's no use guessing, retrospecting, and thinking more and more about the exam day now, but you can't help thinking about the exam.

I hope and pray all my friends who had worked really hard get through this exam today!

Monday, January 26, 2009

... and the weekend ends again

I normally start to think about the activities I have to do over the weekend from Thursday evening already, but it so usually happens that the weekend comes with its own set of activities and one ends up struggling to find time out for planned, ambitious, may be not-so-important yet dear-to-the-heart kind of activities. Coming out of those routine chores is difficult, and I guess my time management skills often lend a hand.

But the weekend ends again (sigh). I start my Monday fresh as an Orange and by mid-day I have already accomplished much for today. Sometimes, the productivity levels get such huge jumps, at least for me.

I thought to take a small break, and so I write this. I am getting a bit worried about my CFA preparation by every passing day. I guess I would have to start putting up long after hours and 'nighters' to get the thing moving. Let's see when I can recompose myself to commit myself to work and study even after dark.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Why so deceitful?

Every one has that little goodness in them until you see it unleashed one fine day. The difference: When you don’t expect much, you are shocked. When you do expect, you are even more shocked.

Funny how people like to think they’ve not lost that good within them although they don’t do much of it to benefit others.

Also funny how many people specialize in manipulating others’ goodness and making it good for their own purpose. Take the case in point of the increasing fleet of beggars in Karachi city. You get to see one or more on almost every signal now. The bad part is that most of them are notoriously undeserving. They just stand there to manipulate that goodness within people. The thing about this is that once a fake is uncovered, the people who helped him/her would start feeling guilty about their own goodness.

End result is to everyone’s detriment: the reduction and/or elimination of that good from society.

The regulators need to take a strong, bold attempt to curb beggary from the city. It’s not the poor, the disabled, or the deserving. It’s the mafia!

Divided attention...

Ever wonder if it worthwhile to multi-task or do one thing at a time because in the former case, you are almost always busy thinking about all or most of the work and end up doing much less on a regular basis; hence, more tired, less productive and eventually less happy.

How about prioritizing through notes & to do list. Those have really come in handy with me, especially with the cell phone features available these days, it's a huge burden off me! I love the calendar and appointments features in my cell phone.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Time flies...

The last post I made on this blog was around more than a year ago. Sheesh! That's how time flies... I was so engrossed in my academics and work life that I never bothered looking back. However, I am back and I plan to stay along for a while at least. :)

Meanwhile, check out my new entrepreneurship blog on Entrepreneurship Adventures

So, what did I do over the last one year. I passed the CFA Level I exam. I enrolled in the MBA finally at the IBA taking varying level of course loads every semester. I also passed CFA Level II exam. I switched my job (one exciting time :P). I prepared to move on with two new entrepreneurial projects in the making. I am also preparing for CFA Level III exam this coming June '09.

Phew...! Now you can understand why I couldn't post regularly; but now I intend to continue posting regardless of the work pressures, time deadlines, and other idiosyncracies of life!

So, see you pals!