Sunday, December 9, 2007

Finance Vs. Marketing

I fail to comprehend people putting others into a separate breed and classifying themselves as a different kind altogether just because he is a marketing major or since he is a finance major. I mean, c'mon, it was just these four elective courses different between you and him and what about the other 43 courses you took together?

People tend to notice differences, but very few focus similarities! You know this goes beyond the business school and into the corporate world as well. People make themselves classified as a certain category and like to intermingle within those categories only, strange no?

All this reminds me of the concept of "Tunnel Vision" we learnt in the course on Methods in Business Research. Thinking beyond the ordinary small differences and in fact capitalizing on each other's differences would I believe bring in the integrated face of the successful business and team-based approach that most successful companies boast about so much. Wonder why we make such simple things difficult by involving our egos for no reason...

what does balance imply?

we often hear people speak of balance: balance is beautiful, work-life balance, personal-professional balance. After all, what is so much fascinating about this word? And can we say that this word would bring the same abstract concept of balance to everyone or is it that all of us have a different definition of balance according to our thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives on things.

I guess one should delve into anything he does to the limit he enjoys, but should not quit as soon as he starts to get bored. If one is focused on the goals, he'd never quit.

Moreover, I'm a staunch supporter of the concept of "Work Hard, Play Hard"

Purpose of Life

a philosophical thought just popped into my mind... I started wondering what the real meaning of life is. I kept wondering on the topic for a while... started thinking of the different moments of my life that all led to today. Still searching the purpose of my life as I write this.

the MBA program

IBA - The Premier business school of the country, yeah that's what they call it. Unfortunately, they've not yet designed the details of the new MBA evening program designed to start in Jan '08. I don't understand how can the university not have decided firmly as yet on the coursework, fee structure and other details?

It seems to be a big joke to me some times, but do I have an option to do something else than wait? No. And I guess I'd only bicker about this until the program has started and then I won't have enough time to bicker about it to anyone.

yet another job interview

Yes, yesterday I had one interview, again. It was at InvestCap Securities. I found it very interesting to meet people in the equity research side. It was one fine meeting which lasted around 30 minutes. I was as relaxed as one might possibly be, especially after having seen the interviewer wearing a red Manchester United t-shirt and jeans. Wow! things did look pretty cool. Yeah, he offered me the job. Good pay, good perks, growth in the profession, exposure to new kind of work and car and phone in two-years' time; but he seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with my MBA plans and their work timings...

He might call me in for yet another interview with the head over there. This head has already interviewed me around six months back at another organization. So, basically he is as new as I would be at the company... eheheh funny or what?

I don't know if I'd head to join this new place or not, but yeah, it's not a bad option

kickstarting a blog

After months of having read so many blogs on and off, never did I realize I would find it interesting to start my own. This idea has just hit me now. So I did. Don't know much about how to do various stuff around here, but to tell you the truth it doesn't matter to me even. It rarely does. All the more important is the fact that it is your online journal to publish your thoughts.

Life goes cool. Don't have much to say to most others than to reply that I'm doing okay. Work is pressurizing up with the December deadline already starting to terrorize me. I have already started my late sittings after the CFA exam was over on December 2, 2007 to manage the overwhelming workload but I guess I still need to put in more hours.