Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sales Management. Whoa!

Here I was sitting in my yet another first class for the course of sales management. I was particularly excited because so far this was the first Marketing elective course that I had taken and had decided to take it to prove my versatility and mettle out there in the marketing domain.

The class went awesome! The instructor turned out to be a veteran-sales person with a 31 year career with Coca Cola serving across five countries having ended his last assignment as the CEO Coca Cola Bangladesh. He presented the story of coke with so much vigor that anyone was bound to fall in love with Sales & so was my case :)

I realized the hard work needed to be put into it all as soon as we finished the class to collect a stack of reading material for the next session. God! Business school wasn't supposed to be easy, especially the evening one, but I hope it's exciting enough to keep me going and get to the finish line in due course.

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